Monday, July 25, 2022

Autopilot - Device deadlock between two tenants

After wiping a Windows10 Autopilot device from Microsoft Endpoint Manager, we got welcomed to the correct tenant by name and logo. When signing in with a current licensed user, we got the message saying "That username looks like it belongs to another organization. try signing in again or start over with a different account". Time to troubleshoot!

The background for the wipe was to repurpose the device for a new user. 

Windows Autopilot is managed and maintained by Microsoft in a backend database that associates hashes with customer tenants. This time I got a schizophrenic device dealing with two tenants.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Disable "Do Not Send a Response" option in Outlook with MDM

When users select the option to not send a response when accepting a meeting invite in Microsoft Outlook, their response is not visible for the invitee. This makes it troublesome to keep track of attendees for the meeting. This is why many organizations want to disable this option. 

If someone replies to a meeting invite by using the "Do Not Send a Response" option, the action is marked in the users calendar, but it will not reflect in the meeting tracking visible for invitees.

The problem has been present for a long time, and there has been some information available on how this can be solved by use of Group Policies in legacy Active Directory environments. Here's how to remove the option to not send a response on meeting invites using Configuration Policies in Microsoft Endpoint Manager and a Settings Catalog profile type.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Posten inn i Homey

Inspirert av lærdommen fra prosjektet med å få Min renovasjon inn i Homey har jeg kastet meg over Posten sin løsning for å se om jeg kan få lest inn postbudets rute som variabler i min Homey.

Posten leverer nå ut post annenhver dag. Dette betyr postombæring mandag, onsdag og fredag den ene uken og tirsdag og torsdag den andre uken. Det kan jo være mulig å enkelt reprodusere denne takten ved hjelp av oddetall og partalls uker. Men - posten har jo laget en egen webside hvor man kan slå opp når man kan forvente post utlevert: Dette betyr kanskje at det kan oppstå uregelmessigheter her - og det må jo fanges opp av et smart hus.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Automatic file upload from legacy server to Microsoft 365

Companies that have gone through several generations of IT systems will have to make their cloud journey in small steps - system by system. Devices and document storage are quickly moved to Microsoft 365. Special Line of Business systems may take longer to cloudify. This can present challenges in making data from dinosaur systems available to users of the modern Microsoft 365 platform.

The challenge from a real world scenario

I was challenged by a customer with a production environment running in an old on premises environment while all users and endpoints had converted to Microsoft 365. They had challenges in reaching reports that were produced on premises and needed a solution to have this data automatically uploaded to Sharepoint for easy and modern access. Challenge accepted!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

HP Connect for Intune, Part1: BIOS Update

To be certain we have a secure system from chip to cloud, it is fundamental to boot device from a trusted BIOS - often referred as secure boot. HP Connect for Microsoft Endpoint Manager is a cloud application designed to ease the management of UEFI BIOS on supported HP systems. This blog post will cover updating the BIOS on HP devices using MEM.

We need to have control of the boot environment of our managed devices

Please note: This is not a sponsored post!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Fortinet VPN Profile distribution with MDM

Fortinet Document Library has a documented routine for distributing the FortiClient application with Intune to Microsoft Windows. This routine is working Ok, but it is missing information on how to distribute the VPN profiles to the client. This will be the topic for this post.

Installation of the FortiClient application

Please read and follow the document in Fortinet Document Library covering the topic of configuring the FortiClient application in Intune. During this routing you need to download the current FortiClient VPN client and start the downloaded EXE file to download the actual MSI installation. This could be wise to do in a Windows Sandbox environment. You will find the MSI file in the newest folder with {randomguid} name under %localappdata%\Temp\.

After this routine has been setup and you have the app distributed to a group and installed, you will find the application available in the system tray on the devices.
FortiClient without VPN profile

The problem here, is the missing VPN profile for connecting your client to the service.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Min Renovasjon inn i Homey

Jeg har lenge ønsket å få informasjon fra vårt renovasjonsselskap RIR inn i mitt smarthus slik at jeg kan få målrettet varsel om dette sammen med annen varsling som huset gir oss. I forbindelse med at Homey slapp funksjonen advanced flow 01.07.2022, kom det ett innlegg i facebook gruppen Athom Homey Norge fra Vegard Hamar som viste en metodikk for å få dette på plass. Det krevde litt spekulasjon for å kunne gjenskape dette. Legger her ut mine notater slik at kanskje flere kan ha glede av dette.

Min Renovasjon

Vårt renovasjonsselskap RIR benytter løsningen Min Renovasjon for varsling av tømmedager. Vegard Hamar skriver i sitt Facebook innlegg at han har hentet inspirasjon fra et GitHub prosjekt for Home Assistant som går mot Min Renovasjon